
Showing posts from October, 2019

A weekend away - October

Last weekend we had a lovely weekend away in our favourite place in the North Yorkshire moors. We stayed in the cottage next to our favourite pub and just had a great time. The weather wasn’t great so we didn’t get out and about as much as we would have liked but we still had a lovely time chatting with mates and being in the pub far too much. We arrived on the Friday afternoon after taking the afternoon off work which meant we have time to get unpacked, bed made and sorted in the afternoon before the pub reopened for the evening. We had time for a chat just the two of us which we never normally do too often. When we’re at home there’s always a distraction of something to be done or the tv on or somewhere to be whereas when you’re away there’s none of that to think about. It meant we had time to think of what we want to do with the house. We’ve made a mental list of what we want to get done decorating wise before Xmas or into the new year. Things like we need a new aerial before Xm

Jan van Haasteren - camping in the wild

Last week I was entered into the round with my colleagues at work to share jigsaws. I’ve recently moved desks and now sit closer to the other members of my team which is great because it means I can be more involved in conversations with them. One of the things that was discussed last week was jigsaw puzzles. My colleague Louise often gets them and shares them with Elaine’s husband as well as her mother-in-law then they go to a charity shop when everyone has done them. I asked to get in on the round and Louise said she has loads at the minute so I could have some to do. Of the first 2 I borrowed there was one with a note in it saying that there was a piece missing so I couldn’t bring myself to start that one but there was also another that was this Jan van Haasteren one which didn’t have any notes in and almost looked brand new so I started working on this one. Obviously sort through the box to find the edges first Then start to attach them to form a complete square Then pic


A week last Friday I was sick of the rain and sick of not being able to get outside at lunch times so on my way home from work I decided to stop off for a walk at my local country park. The park happens to be very close to my hubby’s work so I persuaded him to skive off a few minutes early and join me for a wander. I had a few minutes on my own and went to find a few clues for a nearby geocache so that we can hopefully find it the next time our niece is up to see us then we went for a walk around the lake and through the surrounding paths. The grass (& bits of the paths) were pretty puddle-y so we had to stick to the more solid paths and try to avoid as many puddles as we could. We were both straight from work so we didn’t have our walking boots with us or anything. We both turned into big kids when we got near the conker trees as there were so many conkers that had fallen. These were all just under one tree! There were even some still in their shells as they obvio


This evening I’m feeling a bit restless. I’ve had a shower when I got home from work and kind of wanted to go outside and get some fresh air. I think perhaps it’s because I didn’t get outside at lunch time today. I was so busy at work I went down to the canteen, heated my lunch and ate it quickly before heading back to work. I’ve been watching  Haze Outdoors  which I love although I’m not sure if it’s helping tonight when I want to be outdoors myself. Having settled into the sofa quite comfortably I am now starting to chill out a little and relax into the evening a bit more but I thought I’d take this opportunity to do something a bit productive and write a post about an evening we had outside a few weeks ago where we actually cooked our dinner over the fire in the garden. Here’s a few photos for you: We set up a pot over the fire on a new tripod we’d got. The only issue we had was that our fire pit is a bit wide so we had to balance it up on blocks to get it to fit over. I

Lunch outside

Yesterday I needed a break from work and just fancied some fresh air at lunch time so I took myself out for a wander. While I work very close to the city and on a retail park I’m very lucky that there is a  canal close by. I only take 30 mins for lunch so there isn’t much time to get anywhere but just enough to get to the canal and back. 10 mins there, 10 back and about 10 in the middle to get some food in me. I wandered down to the canal, turned left and found a little patch of grass to sit on. Laid my rain coat down as the weather was ok but the ground was still wet from all the rain we’ve had recently. This was my view. There was even a man just a bit further along fishing on the same bank too. It was nice to see him. It was nice to be on a bank with this marina on one side and the actual canal on the other so there were boats parked up on both sides of me. I enjoyed my lunch - orzotto left over from last nights dinner. It was actually quite comfy on top of the little mou