A weekend away - October

Last weekend we had a lovely weekend away in our favourite place in the North Yorkshire moors. We stayed in the cottage next to our favourite pub and just had a great time. The weather wasn’t great so we didn’t get out and about as much as we would have liked but we still had a lovely time chatting with mates and being in the pub far too much.

We arrived on the Friday afternoon after taking the afternoon off work which meant we have time to get unpacked, bed made and sorted in the afternoon before the pub reopened for the evening. We had time for a chat just the two of us which we never normally do too often. When we’re at home there’s always a distraction of something to be done or the tv on or somewhere to be whereas when you’re away there’s none of that to think about.

It meant we had time to think of what we want to do with the house. We’ve made a mental list of what we want to get done decorating wise before Xmas or into the new year. Things like we need a new aerial before Xmas as our hasn’t been working for a while and while we’re getting that fixed we may as well get one installed in our bedroom and we know we need to get extra plugs put in there too (there’s one one now behind the wardrobe!)

A little later in the evening there was a knock on the door and one of our mates, Caroline had come down to see us. We love having friends up there and the fact that they just pop in and we could sit and have a chat in our living room there before we went in the pub felt really special.

She stayed for a little while but had to go home fairly early as she was driving and working early the next day but later on Tammy came down as well. A lovely evening was had by all.

Saturday morning I had a massive lye in until about 11am which was very much needed. I know towards the end of the week I was starting to not feel too great which I know is because I was getting too tired.

The weather wasn’t great anyway and so as much as I wanted to get out for a walk it wouldn’t have been pleasant. So we didn’t end up sat in the pub we had a trip out in the car. My mum and dad have moved up there now and I wanted to go down to the coast to see the see so we popped in to say hi and for a cuppa on our way. We also asked if they wanted to join us in the afternoon in the pub and even to stay if they wanted then headed off to see the sea.

We went down to my favourite bit of beach at Sandsend. There’s a car park at the entrance to the Mulgrave estate which we parked in and had a wander in the lovely shops there. There’s an amazing bag shop that I always like to go in and swoon at all the lovely handbags. This time I saw one of those huge cozy scarves that are really wide and toasty and it was half price so I treated myself. It came in very handy on the beach as it was pretty blowy and chilly down there.

We went to play the standard game we have to play every time we go to Sandsend and that’s damming up the inlet. The water was pretty deep and fast - there was a lot of it! - but we found a little bit to have a go at.

I think we did a pretty good job. We were pleased with that.
Yes we did go for the narrow bit but that was the only bit we thought we had half a chance at.

After all that effort we went up to the Tides cafe on the seafront for what we hoped was going to be an ice cream as they always have good ice cream there. Unfortunately their freezer had broken earlier that day so there wasn’t ice cream but we did get some nice cakes instead. I had a lovely cornflake cake and Adam had a Sandsend ...something that we can’t remember the name of.. which was like a huge rock cake with extra cherry’s and fruit in it. Both were good. We tried sitting outside to start off with as there weren’t any seats inside.
I was ok wrapped up in time but new scarf but then it started raining.
We found a couple of spare seats as some people left and shifted inside after not too long!

Mum and dad decided that they couldn’t come to stay with us the Saturday night but they did pop down for a couple on the pub in the afternoon which was really nice. It was great to see them.

Once the pub had closed for the afternoon we did go for a little walk as we needed to hide a trackable that we had found when out Geocaching with our niece the other weekend. We didn’t go far but went to look for one under a bridge in one direction. We couldn’t find that one but lots of others hadn’t found it recently too so we assume it may have been washed away in the winter with some of the high water. Then we went in the other direction and found a different one not too far away. I liked finding that one as I’ve not been too good at finding them without my niece before but I managed it. We deposited the trackable and left it for someone else to find.

The weather still wasn’t great when we’d hidden that so we went back to the cottage for a few hours. We found a jigsaw in there which I started. It’s really tricky though! I didn’t take any photos but we were able to leave it out so I’ll take some next time.

We we’re able to leave a load of our stuff in the cottage as it’s only a couple of weeks until we go again and no one else was going to be stopping in the meantime. It’s lovely that we were about to do that. We left all our bedding, towels and some dried food and all sorts. It helped a lot.

On the Sunday we didn’t do a lot at all. Woke up late again and went in the pub for breakfast! I didn’t start drinking straight away as I could still taste toothpaste! Butties for breakfast was good though!

We went to see the piggies to say our final goodbyes as they’ll be gone before we’re back. They are lovely ladies.
It’s a shame that we won’t see them again but they are huge now and they do have an amazing life. They always seem so happy and they are really well looked after.

We had a wonderful weekend. The journey home is never great and it did feel like it took forever but we rounded our weekend off by seeing our friends in the evening to play a game of Seafall too.


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