A weekend in the Charlie Van

We had another lovely weekend in Yorkshire this weekend. This time we stayed in the Charlie Van at Phil and Tammy’s. We had a really lovely chilled time - it was really needed despite our time off last week. I think I found last week having time off work more stressful than it was worth for the time I had off - perhaps it was not taking the full week off I’m not sure but the couple of days at the beginning of the week before I was off and most of last week was just a nightmare really trying to get caught up.

We arrived Friday night to a lovely supper from a lady who’s started a Supper Club in the village. She delivered our dinner (some southern fried chicken and home made salads) to our friend house in Friday afternoon and it was still warm when we arrived to eat it. I wasn’t sure I was going to feel very full afterwards given that it was just salad with the chicken but I was absolutely stuffed. I even gave a chicken leg to Adam to eat and still couldn’t manage the pudding that evening. We had a nice chat into the evening with our friends out on the decking at the back of the van.

Saturday morning the donkeys were out looking for food as Joe especially had worked out that we had ginger biscuits that we had taken to share with him.

Having said that Millie didn’t mind taking a few from us too.
They’re both so lovely - we didn’t see too much of Lola this time as she was hiding in the barn for a lot of the time away from the flies that were around a lot as it was lovely and warm weather. Having said that I did manage to sneak a few biscuits in her this morning when Joe wasn’t looking.
Joe definitely has the biggest appetite of the lot but this is the thanks I got after sharing a biscuit with him! Thanks a lot mate.
The ducklings were still there too - still all 10 that were there last weekend. They’re so adorable - always following their mums around and copying what they do.
On Saturday we both woke up fairly early despite having a really great nights sleep in the van. Those beds are so comfy!
Why is it so exciting even in my 30s as well to get the top bunk!! I was like a giddy child climbing up that ladder to bed in the evening.
The van is so well appointed with a little fridge (great for keeping our puddings in from Friday night so we could eat them on Saturday), kettle, cooker, hob and sink with lovely warm water running to it as well. We didn’t really cook in there (other than toast for breakfast) but will definitely take more stuff with us to cook in there next time. There’s also a little log burner in there too. This time the van was really toasty with its tin roof and the sun being out all day but we can’t wait to go back and stay in there in the winter so we can get the little log burner lit and chucking out a load of heat.

Saturday we did a bit of a tour round saying hello to my mum and dad as well as some other friends too. We got to go in the bar of our favourite pub even though it was closed due to the COVID restrictions. It was lovely but a bit like torture with the bar being closed - it even smelled like no-one had been in there for months, it was so strange.

When we got back Phil was doing a spot of welding. It was great to see him at work playing and doing his crafts outside. I know how much I enjoy doing my crafts so it was great to see someone else enjoying what they do just like I do. I’m not sure how much he appreciated the audience though!!
This little guy was in the doorway when I went to the loo before bed one night. How cute is he?! I know some people really don’t like frogs and toads but he reminded me a bit of Henlow if he took his shell off. I think he’s cute!
Saturday evening we chilled and had a bit of time to ourselves after lunch out at the Yorkshire Cycle Hub again. I finished reading my book which I never normally give myself time to do and are out deserts from the night before. Once everyone had eaten and was ready for the evening it was really lovely of Phil and Tammy to come outside and join us on the decking at the back of the van for some drinks and chatting. We looked at the clouds in the sky as the sun set and also at the stars later on as it got dark. We were out until about midnight just chatting. Tammy and Adam also read us some stories before bed, all local tales including a couple that Tammy herself had written and got published. It was a really lovely evening.

Sunday morning we had much more of a sleep in which was lovely and a very relaxed pack up before setting off home. We both wanted to get back to get stuff sorted out at home before the start of the new work week and we also had some great ideas (as we always do after staying in these sorts of places) to have a tidy up at home and bin a load of stuff too. I managed to find out this huge bag of yarn that I’ve collected over the years that I don’t think I’ll use and therefore - why am I keeping it?
I’m pleased that my mother-in-law has said she can make use of some, Carol from choir will take a little bit more and then most of it is going to go to Elaine at choir who is currently knitting for the nursing home that her mum lived in before she passed away very recently. I’m sure she will make some lovely things for the people in there. It’s a start anyway towards my idillic life in a lovely tiny little cottage in the middle of no-where. One day...

I hope you also had a great weekend.


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