Test painting for a future idea

I had an idea for something I wanted to do with a tiny little canvas that I have but before I get into that completely I wanted to do a bit of a test run. I cut out a heart shaped template from paper and tried a couple of different ways of trying to paint the template. I attached it to the front of a card blank that I had - I thought I may as well end up with something out of it even if it is only a test piece. We only have acrylic paint at home and I wanted to try a drizzling or flicking technique to fill in the template so I watered down some paint and started to flick it at the hole in the template. I started off with light pink and then gradually turned it darker and continued to flick at the heart hoping to fill the whole area with paint... I think I should have used card or definitely something more waterproof for the stencil as this is the hot mess that came out! Definitely not a success. Moving swiftly on to plan B... The watering down of the paint didn’t see...