Mickey jigsaw

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last posted. It’s been a busy couple of weeks which I will post about later but for now - this is my big achieve for today.

I finished Mickey!!

This was a jigsaw that I got my my mum and dad for Christmas. He’s been a very tricky build.

I started trying to make the edge...
I found out all the pieces that looked like edges and all of the white looking pieces that might help make up some of the gaps in the middle. Only got as far as building part of the tail and some other bits of the bottom when I realised he definitely wasn’t going to fit on my puzzle board so we had to shift to the living room floor.
I made as much of the edge as possible but found it almost impossible. I must admit I got really frustrated with it and almost gave up at this point. I decided instead to switch onto making some of the middle with the pieces that weren’t normal puzzle shapes. I love this piece the most!
It looks like a snowman!

I soon discovered when I started putting together all of the funny shaped pieces that I was making Mickey’s.
And once these were done (with the pieces around them to hold them together I managed to work out where they were going in the main part of the jigsaw too. Feeling a bit like I was getting somewhere now...

From this I managed to fix a bit more of the edge together and onto this...
And slowly filled in the rest...
 This almost finished the white pieces
 Then the slow process to just fill in the rest of it. I found no easy way to do this other than to set all of the pieces out on my mat (organised by the shape of the pieces) and begin looking for the right Mickey for the right gap.
 This was how far I’d got at the end of last weekend once I’d had a little help from my nieces!

And today I finally got the ta dah! moment that I had been waiting for.
Here he is in all his glory!
I’m so pleased he’s finally done. It’s taken several weeks and a lot of frustration and hard work but I have to say overall I think I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to doing my next jigsaw in just a few evenings possibly and completing one much more quickly but every so often it’s great to have a challenge.

This is another of the Ravensbuger Puzzle ones and I think it only actually has 945 pieces instead of the usual 1000 but they all fit together beautifully, I had no issue with glare on this one and it was just so much fun to make with all the strange shapes included as well. I would definitely recommend this to anyone up for a challenge or who has a lot of time on their hands (could be great for someone for the upcoming lockdown that no doubt we’re going to have!)

Hope you’re all ok. Stay safe and keep washing your hands.


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