Visiting the parents

Last week we went away for a few days to see my parents. I was really excited to see them as I hadn’t seen them this year. It was lovely to see them again. We had a great time catching up with them.

We arrived on Tuesday evening to a wonderful pie and nice evening chatting with them.

On Wednesday we went out for a drive to find some quiet places to go and explore (& because Adam wanted to play in the truck).

We stopped on this lovely moor road to admire the heather and the cotton grass.
What an incredible view - so open and empty but also so interesting with all the different colours and the sky feeling so close you should be able to touch it.

Adam wanted to have a go at Chimney Bank in the truck (an extremely steep hill) testing out the 4x4 so we had another little stop off on the way back as well to admire the arches and of course say hi to the locals!
We had great fun exploring and enjoying the fresh air so were starving by the time we got back (it didn’t help that the cafe we tried to go to was closed). Mum cooked us some incredible American pancakes with really crispy bacon and maple syrup. Unfortunately I didn’t get a photo of them as they didn’t last many minutes before they vanished.

We enjoyed the afternoon relaxing and playing games (yes real board games with real 3D people!! Whoop whoop) before having lovely Whitby fish and chips for dinner.

Thursday we got up really early to get down to the beach at low tide and before anyone else was out. We left at 7am and had a great time looking for sea glass and driftwood for some of my Dad’s creations.
The best bit was that I got an ice cream on the sea front at about 9:30am as we were leaving the beach. Even with my mum and dad there I was still allowed ice cream for breakfast! Amazing. The joys of being a grown up.
Once we were done on the beach we went for a drive out again to the cafe we tried to eat at the day before and this time got a lovely brunch.
The view out there wasn’t too bad either!
That afternoon the weather was lovely so we spent some time chilling in the garden. I even got chance to do a little bit of my cross stitch out there too.
In the evening we ventured out again to catch up with some friends and meet their new fur babies. It’s my mate that I’m going to be doing the coast to coast walk with next year so we had plenty to catch up on re-arranging that and starting to get excited about it again. It definitely wouldn’t be as much fun as it should be if we tried to do it later this year - I’m so pleased we’ve rearranged it.
Friday morning was time to head off home via some other friends houses. It was so fantastic to see everyone again. Didn’t realise how much we had missed everyone until we saw them all again.

Having said that, from the photos we’ve taken it would appear we were more interested in the animals than the people... there were new chickens, new ducklings, we got to say hi to the donkeys and dogs too.
This one just had one chick
But these 2 are raising 11 between them. That’s some serious teamwork.
Joe was after all of the ginger biscuits
But the ladies got their fair share too.
Just as we were leaving some other friends stopped by with their dog who made himself completely at home fairly quickly.

We did also see a little culture on that final day and went over to visit an old mine site that is being done up at the minute and restored so more people can enjoy it in the future-someone has some serious talent with a chainsaw!
It was an all round lovely few days. It was so nice to see people after so long being shut away. I really loved being home and having time to do my hobbies that I don’t always get chance to do but I definitely missed people more than I thought I had. Thanks to everyone for a really great few days - including the cafe owners who made that whole experience very safe and comfortable.


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