Fruity food prep morning

This morning (well afternoon but not long after if got up) we decided to have a good fruit preservative and food prep session.

We had ended up with a couple of bunches of bananas that we hadn’t eaten and were starting to get to be almost too ripe so we started off by chopping them in half (skins on) and putting them into bags in the freezer. Apparently they freeze ok and we thought in halves we could then grab one or two out at a time and have a bit of a frozen banana lollipop type thing. Hopefully they’ll work. Apparently the skins go black but the actual banana should be ok. We’ll see.

Next we moved onto the apples. We had got a couple of bags of “desert apples” which came on an order we had a managed to get from Morrison’s earlier in the week but when they arrived they were a little bit battered and bruised (I guess they’d been under another bag in the van before they arrived). We didn’t want them to go to waste so we thought we would stew them. We started off a peeling and chopping production line
 We decided to add in some frozen blueberries.
 Ooh. It looks so yummy!

And with a little sugar (a cheeky slug of apple pie moonshine) and the rest of the apples it’s going to be awesome.
We had a sneaky taste of the liquid as it was cooking down. It tastes incredible. Kind of Christmas-y but awesome
I think we’re going to make some of the apple and blueberry mix into a crumble probably tomorrow.

The next job was the chop up the mangoes that we got last week as they were finally ripe and ready to eat. This is a messy but kinda fun job.
Lastly while we’re here we thought we may as well start prepping for dinner so we also chopped some spuds into chips. We got a sack of unwashed potatoes so they needed a clean - some came out ok but some needed peeling hence the mixture in the pot.
It was a productive morning/afto. Feels good to have got stuff done and to have saved a lot of fruit that otherwise may have gone to waste. I love having the time to do things like this at the minute


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