Schmidt puzzle jigsaw of the world

Last Sunday after our walk we cane home and hunkered down for the rest of the day. I had this jigsaw that I had borrowed from my friend at work to do and I thought it looked really nice to do so I worked on this. It didn’t take me too long this one - I think I started it on the Friday night or Saturday and it was done by the end of Sunday. I didn’t even stop to take photos at any point - I forgot on the one or two occasions that I did leave it so all I have for you is this completed photo.
 It was an interesting jigsaw and educational as well - trying to guess where all of the animals would go based on where they are actually from.
I guess you could figure out that I enjoyed this one as I finished it so quickly. Nicely colourful, good detail and plenty going on in almost every piece.


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