Lego house

This weekend was quite a busy one one way or another so there’s not much for me to report but the weekend before the weather wasn’t great. We could have gone for a walk Saturday morning but I decided that I wanted to get my car cleaned so we did the inside here with the hoover and wiped down all the surfaces. Adam even managed to get the chewing gum out of my seat! After that the weather turned and wasn’t great so we stayed in in the afternoon and watched the rugby on tv while starting on some Lego. Sunday morning was the same - absolutely chucking it down and the wind was so bad it was going sideways! Sunday was definitely a PJ day so we have finished the Lego house.

Here’s how the build went:
Starting with the basement at the bottom - a little storage space in there but I like the little mouse trap included on the floor.
The first floor is a little living space with a table, hat an umbrella stand, cabinet in the corner and a fireplace too.
 It’s starting to take shape now that this first floor is on here
That was Saturday’s work - upstairs was for Sunday.

The first floor was the bedroom with this cute little bed and nightstand.
 This was just the front side of the first floor that was made on this section.
 It looks nice and cozy in there.
Now to build the back section of the first floor and finish off the roof
Then comes the most exciting bit - adding it to our street

Adam has already made a little slope in the footpath outside the other house we had from before to get up the little step we have in the shelves so when we slotted this on it would fit in and continue the street
 It even looks the same height as the other house too dispute the step so that worked out well - although slightly disappointing in terms of the actual build itself.
Here’s the street from the new end where the house is and below a view of the whole street all together. Sorry this is a bit wobbly - I found it quite tricky to get the panorama shot of it.
I love our little Lego street - I know it’s a bit of a strange hobby for two adults but we enjoy it and I like when we have come out with in the end. Looking forward to building the other sets that we got just after Christmas and adding to this more. The next build will be the bookshop I think as this was the other half of the set with the house. We then still have the corner garage to do at some point and the treehouse too. Hope you all had a good weekend and didn’t get washed/blown away! I’ve never felt wind like I experienced on Saturday night - I almost got blown over with the strength of it. It was actually really quite scary. Take care all.


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