Sunday morning walk

This morning before breakfast we decided to go for a little walk - not very far, just along the canal near to our house. The weather was gorgeous - cold and frosty - and we were both awake early enough so before breakfast we set off. I took quite a few photos along the way - here goes:
We had to shuffle past an angry swan who was still protecting a signet (or swanling as we like to call them)

At the far end of the walk we found a load of ducks. We watched them for a while ducking under the water - surely they must be really cold this morning.
Some bits of the canal were even frozen and definitely all of the puddles along the path were too. It was great fun walking along smashing through the puddles - I did say that we couldn’t do them all - I think it’s only fair to leave some for kids who may have been following behind us. This was one of the pieces that we smashed out of a puddle.

We stopped to have a look at the sheep in the next field on the way back. There were some lovely coloured ones there. One of them was sneezing too! I didn’t realise that sheep could sneeze before.
We even had a little watch of the waterfall. It’s the water flowing into one of the locks - not the prettiest of waterfalls we’ve ever seen but it’s something.
 We were wrapped up warm - it was such a lovely frosty morning. It was great to just be together away from the world for a few minutes and to actually have time to chat to each other properly. I love these kind of walks - getting out the house, no TV, no real distractions.
 The frost on top of the fences was beautiful.
 And on the hedgerow too.
We’re back home now with a lovely breakfast. We’re drinking the bottle of fizz that my uncle bought us just after Christmas - thanks a lot. It’s really nice!
What a lovely way to start the day. Happy Sunday all! Hope you are also having a lovely weekend.


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