Elf treat bags

Just before Christmas I made some little bags for my colleagues at work to hang on their trees. I thought they looked like little elf treat bags so that’s what they became.

I followed a pattern from the Half Yard Christmas book I had got last year or maybe even the year before. It went something like this:

I started off by cutting out two circles of fabric, one in a grey pattern and one red
 I used my toffee hammers to weigh down the template while cutting the circles out.
When I had both circles cut out ready to go the next thing to do was to cut these both in half
 And then into quarters
I matched up a piece of red with a piece or grey for each quarter. I wanted to make a couple with each colour on the outside.
I pinned on the ribbon to the outside of one piece of fabric
And sewer the inner to the outside with right sides together.

Next comes the tricky part - turning them around to sew the edges together.
It ends up looking a bit like this when you come to sew it. I always nearly forget to leave a gap for turning but this is quite important!
Here’s how I pinned it up ready to be sewn. One it was done all that I needed to do was to flip it inside out so the right sides were showing and then hand sew the gap left for turning.
When forming this into a cone I put the hand sewn colour on the inside - just pushed that end of the point inside the other to make a cone. I also added some buttons to cover the part where the ribbon came out of the code. Finding enough little red buttons was exciting!
I added some labels to these to turn them into elf treats - I had to have Adam help me work out how to attach them - we ended up clipping them onto one of the buttons.
I put some celebrations chocolates in these and have them to everyone in my team at work just before Christmas. I hope everyone liked them. I know one lady did and actually ended up taking two so she had one for each of her grandchildren. I’m not too sure how pleased the others were but they were hung on people’s desks for a while and the chocolates went down well.


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