Wasgij 28 - Dropping the weight

This was the second jigsaw that I borrowed from doing the rounds at work. It’s one of the wasgij ones that I do enjoy doing. I always find them quite exciting as you don’t know what the picture is going to be when you start working on it. This one was a gym scene and you had to work out what the lady on the gym ball can see (essentially looking behind you on the original picture)
 As always start with the edge.
As long as you remember that what you can see is in reverse on the picture you’re trying to create this isn’t too bad.
I did sit sorting the pieces with my childhood teddy’s on my lap though as I was feeling sorry for myself and had a bit of a belly ache. Them and the puzzle soon took my mind off it though.

Soon to start filling in the middle. I started with patterns or colours that were easiest to pick out and soon got to this point. I get slightly obsessive about jigsaws once I get started.
I had realised by this point that the top edge wasn’t right though - all the pieces looked so similar when I was putting the edge together that I thought it looked ok but as I started fitting more pieces in below it it became obvious that it wasn’t quite right. I started to rebuild it from the inside out at this point as I could work this out more easily. The top was still the hardest part by far though.
Finished apart from that pesky top edge. I did get really frustrated about this bit though and kind of wanted to give up as I didn’t find it fun any more. This was after I’d already had one hissy fit about this one thinking that my colleague had hidden a load of the pieces from the box as I was almost out of pieces on my board to fit in and had some spaces that looked like they should be really obvious missing. After watching me get more and more wound up for about 20 mins my hubby gave the box a bit of a shake and told me that I still had a load left in there. Not sure how I’d done the original sort but it wasn’t smart to think I had all the pieces out.

After an hour or so break I did go back to it and finish up that top edge.
Tah dah! The picture is complete.
I definitely didn’t enjoy this as much as the last one I did but this was mostly down the the self-inflicted frustration factor. I like creating a picture different to the one on the box as I think there is more of a sense of achievement from these ones.


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