Homemade lipbalm

While looking for the candle making kit last weekend I also found a kit I had for making lip balm. We enjoyed melting down the candle so looked at the lip balm making kit and this seemed fairly similar - melt down the contents of the kit and pour it into pots, leave to set. Simple enough.

In went beeswax, almond oil and the butter (cocoa in the first batch & shea in the second) to melt in a jug over a pan of boiling water
Once it had all melted you had to test how solid it was by putting a tiny bit from the pot onto a cold tray and seeing what it felt like as it solidified. More oil if it was too solid and more wax if it was too soft. Once it was pretty much ready we added the essential oil which was mint flavoured to the mixture as well and started to pour into little pots.
The first few were made with the cocoa butter
And the second batch with shea butter.
We had to wait for them all to set before putting the lids on and labelling them up.
I enjoyed making these and still have a bit more of the ingredients left to make another batch of the shea butter ones but I ran out of little pots. I have taken these to work and given one to each of my colleagues in my team. They seemed to like them and appreciate the effort. I will try to make the last batch soon as long as I can find some more pots to put it in.


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