Happy Birthday Dad!

During lockdown my Dad has tried his hand of a bit of creativity - I guess it must run in the family. A while ago he started to collect driftwood off the beach close to where they live with the intention of doing this one day. It has been drying out throughout winter in the garage so now has been the perfect time for him to start crafting.

I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing a few of his creations with you. I think they’re awesome. So imaginative.

I think my favourites are the flowers and the little blue and green fishies. They’re just so fun and different. I love them.

With these in mind I thought I’d put a bit of effort into the card that I sent to him and make it for him. I found a free pattern online so I began to stitch this little fish design (it seemed appropriate).
I like the way it turned out - just the right size to put on a card for him too.

I stuck it onto the front of this card blank that I had (I thought the coloured worked quite well as sea), added a couple of buttons that I thought were really pretty when I bought them but haven’t ever actually found a use for them yet and ta dah! Card made. I like the way it turned out and he seems to appreciate it as well.
Happy birthday Dad! Hope you’ve had a nice day. Love you loads xxx


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