
Showing posts from September, 2019

A massive accomplishment

Sunday was finally the big day. I’ve been training to run a half marathon for months and months and yesterday was the day of the Robin Hood Half Marathon. The weather wasn’t forecast to be any good at all so the night before my Dad made me a state of the art rain coat. I’ve been training hard with one of my best friends and although I’ve just been on holiday for two weeks I managed to go to the gym a few times while I was away. I didn’t go too far - just 5km each time - but I did some hill training. She did a few runs on her own while I was away but half way through my holiday she hurt her heel. She started with me on the big day.   Unfortunately she was in a lot of pain as we set off and really really struggled when we reached the first uphill section. We had to walk a lot of the uphill bits at the beginning but she powered through a lot of pain until we got to about 7.5km. At this point she had to stop - she was in so much pain she really couldn’t keep going any more. Th

Happy Henlow Adventures

I’ve created a new blog as I realised how much I actually missed the old Happy Henlow Crafts one but at the minute my life isn’t so much about crafting, it’s about all sorts of other adventures too. I’ve still been struggling with my mental health a fair bit recently so there may be some tales about that in here but part of what I’m trying to do to keep myself safe and happy is just to keep variety in my life and not get complacent with doing the same kinds of things all the time. I’m hoping that will mean that there’ll be lots of adventures and evenings and weekends trying some different things which I will talk about and show pictures of on here. Of course, my little man will still make an appearance every now and again too. Welcome to the new blog! I’d love for you to come along and enjoy the ride with me.